Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > cage biting

cage biting

21 11:28:46

my male hamster keeps biting on the cage bars and i put stuff in their to stop it but he still does and i am wondering is it true that a hamster can get brain damage from cage biting?????.....please help


this is a very common problem with hamsters.  Their teeth grow all the time and they must gnaw to keep them short.  Some choose to continually bite their bars, sometimes making their nose bleed.  

Make sure he has plenty of toys - you can get treats that are stuck on wooden sticks, chewing sticks, wooden houses or toys, edible houses and toys(Snack Shak - you can get these from Pets at Home).  These will all help him to keep his teeth short.  Also, check he's not bored - how large is his wheel?  The standard hamster wheels that come in cages are often too small for adult Syrians - if this is the case, it is worth getting another for him as this will help him burn up some of his energy.  Wooden climbing frames are also good as they have fun playing on them and they can chew them - they usually hook onto the roof bars of the cage.
