Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My Hamster/ plz i need an amswer as soon as possible

My Hamster/ plz i need an amswer as soon as possible

21 11:24:32

QUESTION: my hamster just had babies today...i seperated the dad . i separated them. when am i supposed to separate and do i seperate her from the babies if so like on with weeks or how many

ANSWER: Hi Dominique,

the babies can leave the mother at 4 weeks old, and they must be separated into same sex groups at four weeks too.  They can go to their new homes at 7 or 8 weeks.

Kind Regards,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, my hamster is trying to eat another one of her babies is there anything i can do right now

Hi Dominique,

there is nothing you can really do at this early stage - it is very difficult to hand rear babies you are this young!

It is recommended that the babies stay with the mother till they are 4 weeks but they would still survive if you took them from her at three weeks - so as soon as they are three weeks old - put them in a separate cage.

The mother will only eat her babies if she is very stressed or if she feels threatened - or if she is not getting enough protein.

Try giving her some well cooked scramble egg to give her extra protein - then leave the cage completely alone - the more you disturb her the more stressed she will get!  You must leave her alone and in peace if you want her to look after her babies properly!

Also, are you sure she is definately trying to eat it?  Sometimes when they are moving their babies it looks like they are hurting them.

Sometimes the babies can have health problems which cannot be detected by the human eye and only the mother can detect them - the mother will destroy the babies with health conditions because she knows they would die anyway!

Good Luck with the babies and i hope they all survive.

Also, if the father was in with the mother at the time the babies were born then she could be pregnant again!!  If she is then she will give birth when the babies are 3 weeks old - please keep checking her to make sure she is ok.

Kind Regards,
