Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > need 2 now if hamster is pregnant

need 2 now if hamster is pregnant

21 11:28:40

if you put a hamster (girl) with a boy will the girl become pregnant in 4 days?

Hi Charmaign,

Female hamster come into heat every three or four days but only for a few hours each time.  During these few hours every three or four days the female is receptive to the male and can become pregnant by him - so if your hamster has been with a Male for the past four days then it is very likely that she is pregnant by him.

It is very difficult to tell if hamsters are pregnant because they dont usually get noticebly bigger unless they are carrying a large litter - and then only in the last couple of days.

The only sure way to know if she is pregnant is to wait until 30 days after she has been with a male and see if she has any babies, because it takes between 21 and 30 days for the babies to be born.

Kind Regards,
