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Hamster not well

21 13:26:54

My hamster is nearly two years old. She is a female dewarf hamster and very fit and energetic. Over the last week she has been sleeping a lot more and has not been as active. And when she runs about she has been very hunched. Also she has been bleeding from the back side area. Im very worried about my hamster because my friends have female hamsters and this bleeding has never happend to there's. At first i thought it was normal but now im really worried! Please help! Julie  

Hi Julie,

Although I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with your hamster, I do think that she sounds very sick.  Vaginal bleeding is often linked to uterine infection, which can be treated by a vet.  So, you should take your hamster to a vet as soon as you can - you don't want your hamster to lose a lot of blood.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
