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Hamsters; biting plastic cage

21 11:43:15

My cage is a plastic cage.  At the ends it curves in and my hamster keeps biting it.  I heard it was bad for his teeth to bite cage bars.  Is it also bad to bite plastic????

Hi olivia,

Who told you it was bad for their teeth? cos this is utter nonsense. if this were the case then every hamster in the world would have bad teeth because every hamster knaws on either the bars or plastic in their cages. try putting in lots of other things for him to knaw on like chews and toys which you can buy from the pet store. unless he gets any small pieces of plastic in his stomach, which is doubtful, he'll spit it out (my hamster used to do it all the time with the plastic in her cage) take him to a vet if you see any problems with him from this. but again, its unlikely.

Thank you for your question.

Joanne x