Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > balding!


21 11:32:02

Hello! Please help me. My four-month old dwarf hamster started getting a bald spot on her belly under one of her legs and now it's spreading! Her whole belly is almost bald now and I think I see her nipples(white dots on side of belly) I see some scabs which I'm not sure from what. Maybe from a bug bite (cockroach) or her scratching herself. I don't really see her scratching and if I do I can't tell the difference between scratching and grooming. But she grooms and bites her belly a lot. The skin on one side appears a bit red compared to the other side. Also, there are still little white hairs on the pink skin so it looks kind of scaly. I'm not sure if it's scaly or just white hairs. Please help, I've asked everywhere! Thank you so much and please reply as soon as possible. =]

Hello Michelle,
what type of bedding are you using? If you are using cedar or pine bedding that can be the reason why your hamster is losing fur. If you are not using that type of bedding your hamster could possibly have Mange Mites which is a parasite. You should take your dwarf hamster to see a vet asap for proper treatment.