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dwarf ham behavior

21 13:29:04

I have a couple of questions as to behavior. Our dwarf used to run up at feeding time to eat in the evenings when we'd put his food out. Lately, he doesn't seem interested in it when we put it out. Also, I've noticed that some nights he moves away from us a lot and doesn't want to come out. He used to want to immediately. He's been pretty snobby about what he'll eat. We have a wide variety of foods that we alternate, but lately he isn't into any of it. A couple of times he even snubbed a Sunflower Seed treat which is amazing cause he loves those. We switch his toys and tank around and get him out in the exercise ball plenty, but have noticed these changes recently. He is 3 mos old. He's very tame otherwise and we handle him quite a lot without any nipping on his part. He totally trusts us, so we're stumped. Thanks in advance.

Hi Makyolik,

At 3 months of age, a hamster is still growing and developing his taste buds.  When they're young, hamsters are pretty finicky.  Try switching to a different mix of food.  Also, don't switch his cage around *too* much, especially after you've cleaned the cage.  Cleaning the cage is stressful for the hamster, since all of their smells are erased, so just switch maybe one or two things around at a time.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
