Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my hamster pregnant .HELP!!

is my hamster pregnant .HELP!!

21 11:43:28

my hamster cookie looks pregnant but how can i know it for sure cause i changed her bedding like you said and gave her food now she doesnt put food everywhere any more she just eats and then she still puts bedding in one area and her nipples are showing. so how can i know for sure that she is pregnant?

Hi Martina,

if Cookie is definitely a girl, eating more then usual, and seems to be making a nest, then it is most likely she is pregnant. I would handle her very little and act as if she is pregnant. I would give her one week of just chilling out and not taking her out of the cage, if she does not have her babies by then, she most likely is not pregnant. Give me an update. GOOD LUCK!
