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Whats wrong with my hammy?

21 11:28:51

Hello there, I bought my hamster a week and two days ago, he is a syrian young hamster. I'm worried because the first days he was very active but with the passing of days he's sleeping more and more, at first he slept till 4pm, then till 5 then 7.. .The evening 7 pm to 10 pm its supposed to be the time of the day when hamsters have more activity but lately my hammy seems not to be very active at that time... I wake up in the morning and he's sleeping in his pipe (that's his fave place). If I have luck I see him awake for a while and when I try to have a little contact with him he just gets running to his pipe again, almost every time that I watch his cage his sleeping o simply just stays in his pipe. I was moved to write this because today he didn't go down to run in his wheel (which every hamster loves and which he used without stopping the first days ) he just goes down to drink or get food. and if he isn't sleeping he just stays in his pipe.. I worried about the lack of activity..Is something wrong with my hamster? is he getting sick? IS he sick?

I'm aware that hamsters are nocturnal but I usually sleep at 11 pm or later and he doesn't makes much noise compared to the first days.

Hi Sophie

There's probably nothing wrong with your hamster.  Male Syrians can be unbelievably lazy.  He is obviously very happy and content with you.

Providing he is eating etc. and there is no obvious sign of something wrong - i.e. is he hunched up not wanting to be handled, looking dull?, then I wouldn't worry.

First of all - how big is his wheel?  The standard wheels that come in cages are often too small for a Syrian - in which case they stop running in them as it hurts their back - in this case it is worth getting a larger wheel (solid type, not bars).

I would suggest you talk to him a lot, give him lots of treats when you see him out and about and when you want to get him out, tap on the side of his cage and call his name to try and get him to rally.  He should get into a routine with this.  It is difficult if he is sleeping in a tube, but if you can get to him, I would be tempted to wake him up in the evening and try and get him out.  

An exercise ball is good - you might get him interested in this.  They do sometimes curl up and sleep in these, but if you only keep him out in it for 20 minutes or so at a time, before returning him to his cage, he might start to look forward to this.  also, is there an area of your home that you can sit with him and let him explore?  I sometimes sit in the hallway with mine as there is no furniture or gaps that they can escape into (be careful because they can climb stairs) - I stay with them all the time, but the lazier ones tend to enjoy the freedom of walking along the carpet and exploring.

I had a hamster who was very lazy too - had I left it up to him he would have slept for 98% of his life!!  I would make him come out in the evening for a play with me and whilst it was often a bit of an effort for him as he'd rather sleep, he seemed to enjoy himself.

Hope you get on OK - I'm afraid it is a case of experimenting to see what excites him enough to get out of bed!
