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syrian mommy hamster n babies

21 11:51:30

my female syrian hamster had babies 5 days ago she has put them in a little sguare bed not very big i want to move them into a more spacious area i bought her a hut w more room i know i cant touch the babies but was wondering if u thought i could move them w a spoon without touching them n keep the same bedding theyve been useing so its got the same scent just want them to have more room.thank u very much for ur time

Hi Deanne,

If it's not absolutely imperative that you move the baby hamsters, you shouldn't.  Your hamster chose that location because she feels safe in it; if you move her and her babies, it will be very stressful to her (which is the last thing she needs after giving birth).  So my advice is that you shouldn't move the babies.

(If ever, for some reason, you absolutely need to move them - maybe if they're in the second story of the cage or someplace dangerous - you should gather some bedding from your hamster's cage and rub it all over your hands.  This will put the hamster's scent on your hands and lessen your "human scent."  (That's a very important step.)  Then, gently scoop the babies up and move them as quickly as possible.)

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
