Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster Experiments

Hamster Experiments

21 11:11:46

My son is doing a experiment with his hamster. He has a maze and wants to test how quickly his hamster can find food hidden within the maze. As part of the paper he has to write associated with this experiment, he has to list names of some scientists that have done similar research. Can you help me with this?

Hi Rochelle

I don't know of any scientists who have done this type of research although I'm sure a lot of people have tried this.  I have found a site, however, that is setting up this type of experiment and your son might get some ideas/info from this.  The link is:
Whilst this experiment was done over 10 years ago it might be worth getting in touch with them to find out their results - it was conducted by the University of Western Ontario.

Sorry I can't offer more advice on this.  I hope his experiment goes well.
