Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamsters (dwarf)

hamsters (dwarf)

21 11:10:37

can they eat mealworms? i have never heard of that before.  

Hi Triss

Yes they can!!  In the wild hamsters would survive on tiny insects and seeds etc.  It is OK to give them mealworms now and again if you want to - I just don't like the idea of it so I give mine the usual hamster mix and in order to give a bit of extra protein I give a little cooked egg or cheese now and again. I don't know many people that give meal worms, mainly because the huge quantity you tend to have to buy and not everyone wants to store them.  It really is up to you - if you give a varied well balanced diet of seeds, hamster mix, (cheese and cooked egg now and again), nuts, and some fresh vegetables daily then your hamster should be fine without them.
