Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbil - died

gerbil - died

21 13:26:07

for christmas i got two gerbils and one of them died, so we got another one and guess what? it died too. finally we got to and they havent died yet , god forbid, but why do you think the others died?

hmm... hello well it could have been an internal disease. How were they behaving before they died? Were they eating and drinking? Was their behavior normal? Were they active and alert? What type of bedding did you use for them? Aspen, carefresh, soft sorbent and kay-bob bedding are the best types of bedding to use since they hardly cause any allergies and there are no oils or scents on them. If they were not acting normal and sleeping a lot and not eating or drinking they were certainly sick with an internal infection probably. Without knowing how their behavior was it's hard to pinpoint why they had died.