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new babby hamster

21 11:42:43

I just got a new hamster today, and when i put her in her cage she acts normal but after some time she will climb up the bars of her cage! I'm scared to death that she's going to hurt herself.

Hello Sara.

Your baby hamster is just doing what is natural for her, she is simply trying to find a way out.  I've had many hamsters who climb up their cages and fall down.  As long as your have litter lining the bottom of her home she will not get hurt.

If you fear for her safety then make sure you tightly close your hamster's cage door.  

Hamsters are also resilient so she will likely keep trying to climb up and fall down many times a day, do not worry too much, she is just acting natural, it may look dangerous to us but to the hamster it is just another normal daily routine.   

Take care!