Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Violent Hamster

Violent Hamster

21 13:29:45

We have a young 'Teddy Bear' hamster who would absolutely chew my arm off if it was a larger animal. We have spent a few weeks now, night-after-night offering it sunflower seeds, and trying to get it used to our smells and our voices, and all those things that help you tame a hamster. We approach it with clean hands and treats. We speak softly to it. We lay our hands flat at the bottom of the cage only to get bitten repeatedly. This hamster bites hard.

Cleaning the cage is an adventure. I acually have to coral the creature into a big, plastic cup, turn it upright, toss her some seeds, and thats where she stays for the 10 minutes it takes to wash, dry and setup her cage. Every other night I use the same plactic cup routine to transport her into her excercize ball. In either case, we let her walk back into her cage on her own by holding either the ball or the cup up to the cage door. She is always real happy to get back in that cage because she wants nothing to do with us.

Also, I know they are nocturnal, but this one goes to sleep at around 4:30am and can stay that way until almost 9:00pm. What if it needs to go to the vet or something and we have to wake it up? What do you do with hamsters like this one?


Hi Matt,

Sounds like you've exhausted most of the usual methods to keep hamsters from biting you.  However, there is one method that is usually effective.  There's a product called "Bitter Lime Spray" (or it could be a gel) that's sold in pet stores.  It's marketed towards ferrets, but it is safe to use for all small pets.  Spray (or, if it's a gel, rub) some on your fingers and palm and then try to pick up your hamster.  He will be repulsed by the smell.  If he still tries to bite you, he will taste the product and will absolutely hate it.  Do this a few times until you feel comfortable enough to handle your hamster without it.  (A bit of advice - Wash your hands *thoroughly* after you've sprayed the bitter lime and have handled the hamster.  You absolutely don't want that stuff getting anywhere near your mouth, as it's very disgusting - but not harmful.)

As for your other question - Although hamsters are nocturnal, that doesn't mean that they will stay awake from the time the sun goes down until it comes back up.  Every hamster has a different sleeping pattern.  Yours sounds pretty normal.  If you have to wake him up, be gentle and quiet.  Rub his back gently to rouse him, wait a minute to make sure he's completely awake, and then scoop him up with both hands.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
