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Teddy Bear Hamster Grooming

21 11:50:41

Hello =) i bought a teddy bear hamster about 3 months ago he had short hair but now he looks like a monster haha. His fur is so long he walks really slow so ive tried to cut some of it with scisors(i know not the best idea, so i gave that up) Is there a way to trim his hair and will it ever stop growing?

Teddy bear hamster is actually just a pet shop name for a long haired syrian. When I kept my long hair he sure did look like a wooly bear, which is probably why they use the name. Cutting it will usually result in it being uneven, my advice it to get a cheap toothbrush and use it to brush out his coat and keep it from natting or having things stick to it. Toothbrushes are highly recomended for grooming long haired fur.