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dust bath/ potty

21 11:12:49

I bought a hamster loo for my syrian hamster and she does use it but she also seems to be using it for a dust bath as well, should i put a dust bath in for her. I have chinchillas is the sand for the bath the same

Hi Karen

Some hamsters seem to get the hang of the 'loo' whereas others do like to use it as a bath.  The best way I have found for them to use a hamster loo is to hold back some of their used woodchip -then clean out the cage thoroughly and put this used woodchip into the loo - this way when they are returned to their cage the only scent is in their loo.  Most times this encourages them to use it as a loo rather than a bath. Also make sure it is in the corner that they usually use as their loo. Some hamsters do love having a dust bath - the chinchilla sand is recommended for this.
