Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Extensions


21 13:30:30

I'm looking to extend my hamsters cage as he is now fully grown. I am looking for small rooms I can attach to the cage (by pipes) each evening. They need to be at a reasonable price because I cant afford any thing expensive. I am only looking for ones to buy in shops or on
Hope you can help
Sarah xx

Hi Sarah,

I'm not too familiar with hamster homes in the UK.  I understand many people own Rotastaks, and I've seen plenty of small "apartment-like" rooms on sale on eBay.  Also, if you have a Habitrail, Crittertrail, or S.A.M cage, they have plenty of smaller add-ons.  Crittertrail especially has recently introduced smaller add-on cages.  Here are pictures of some (in the top row, first two cages):

These new smaller add-ons are very reasonably priced, especially if they're gently used on eBay.  If you're looking for smaller lookouts you can attach, Crittertrail makes one called the "Lazy Lookout."  Here it is:

I hope this was of some help.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
