Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > dawf hamster sick

dawf hamster sick

21 12:00:40



Followup To

Question -
when my dawf hamster sneezes what does that mean? is it sick?

Answer -
Hi Susan,

       Hamsters sneeze just like we do. It doesn't mean that she is sick but keep an eye on him/her. It could also be the bedding you are using. Try switching to a low dust bedding like aspen (if you are not using it already) and see if that helps.

Thank you for writing!
but sometimes he caughts and he sleeps all day and not very active.

Hi Susan,

       Keep a close eye on him and if he starts to get a runny nose or watery eyes, then he should be seen by a vet.  Hamsters generally sleep all day. They are most active at night.

      If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!