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New Hamster looks odd?

21 11:05:57

My daughter adopted a hamster from the "best" pet store in town. It is a Teddy Bear breed. Because we were told that all hamsters are weary at first of being held, I didn't let her pick up each one in order to decide who she should buy. She watched the group of 5, who were all nestled together and picked the one she thought looked like it was happy and smiling. We asked the associate to pick it up and they put it in a closed carrier and we brought it home. They gave strict instructions to let it acclimate to it's new home for 3 days before we try to hold it. So all day long she has been "watching" it sleep, eat, and drink in it's new lovely pink habitat. It moved around a few times, but I wasn't there to watch. Tonight, as it began it's playtime on the wheel, we noticed what I would call "growths" on it's back side. My friends saw it first and called them hemmoroids, but when I looked at the little guy, it truly looked like a small set of hind legs on it's back end. I know this sounds crazy, but I've never seen anything like it. If it's an oddity, and that's just how this little creature was born, then we are fine with in and will love it for who it is. If there is something wrong, I will take it to be checked. I really have know knowledge or expertise on hamsters, but I know what we are seeing is not "normal". Any ideas?

Hello Hayley,
It sounds like you've got yourself an interesting little hamster. If your hamster is otherwise normal and has been healthy in the pet store, the growths are probably just a birth defect. If its behavior changes (not eating, drinking, cleaning, etc.) or if you notice anything wrong with the growths themselves (fur loss, rash, irritation, oozing, etc.), you should probably take the little guy to be checked out by a veterinarian (but make sure you find one that treats small animals).
