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extremly timid gerbils

21 12:00:46

I bought two gerbils at a pet store two months ago and they are extremly timid.I can't even coax them out and they scurry over the smallest movements.


That can be a common problem. I currently have to very timid Gerbils also. There is no quick solution, you can tame them but it will take time.

I find that keeping the cage somewhere where you will be around alot helps them get used to everyday noises.

Make sure you wash your hands before putting your hands in their cage, this takes away any unfamiliar smells, and then rub your hands in their bedding so you smell of them. Just lay your hand on the floor of their house and let them come up and sniff you. It can take a few weeks for them to become confident, one of mine still won't let me pick him up. You will find that they will probably sniff you and then run and hide again. This is normal.
When they become confident enough they will start to climb over your hands and stand on you. This is when you can try and gradually lift them out. They will become scared and jump off again, but eventually they will become confident enough to let you take them right out. If you can try and put your hand in twice a day for a about 5minutes, if you can only do once a day thats ok.
Once they feel a bit braver they may take sunflower/pumpkin seeds from your finger. This is good to encourage them to come to you, and trust you.

Whatever you do, don't just try and chase them round the cage to pick them up, as this will scare them even more and you will never get them tame!!

I hope this helps?

Good Luck
