Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Loss of hair on head

Loss of hair on head

21 13:32:48

My son's sibyrian dwarf hamster has lost hair on his head and has a scab, and he also looks wet around that area. We have only had speedy 2 weeks and hamsters are new to us. It is to late a night to take him to the vet or even get ahold of one. Is this a parasite? Whate can we do? Please Please Help us";  

 sorry i didn't reply sooner, what with the time distance and things, i havent been online.
 it could be  parasites, or just some form of skin irritation, if its open bathe it with a mild salt water solution(or savlon- or any other anti septic solution) until you can get him to a vet. This will stop any infection getting in, but don't panis becuase i'm sure he will be fine!!
  if you havent already take him to the vet and get him checked out,  the vet might treat him for mites or give him antibiotics for the cut.
  watch your hamster to see if hes scratching..this is a sure sign of parasites, also scaly skin, and sometimes in the dark with a torch you can see them. But it may well be an alergy to something too, hamsters coming home suffer alot of changes in their diet and bedding etc.
  i hope this helps! and i hope you manage to get him to the vet ok.
 suzi x