Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > What To Do.

What To Do.

21 13:32:32

A few weeks ago, I bought a baby Siberian Hamster (aka, Campbells Russion) and it seemed to be doing good.

I wanted to have more than one, but when I got the first one (Dot) the guy who helped me said that hamsters don't get along when they grow up.  So I did some research and found out some breeds do and some breeds don't, from most of hte sites I found the typer of hamster I had could be socialiable if raised with another hamster, so, I went back and got another hamster of the same breed from the same cage (baby as well, named Mufasa) and they seem to get along alright.

I've noticedthat Mufasa seems to be quite smaller than Dot, I don't know if this is because I've had Dot a little while longer or what.  I came to the conclusion that maybe the reason was because I think their water bottle is defective and they seem to not want to share it (when they try to drink at the same time)

When I try to get water out of the bottle my self, I have to push up the metal ball all the way to the top for any water to come out, and so I'm worried that my hamsters aren't getting enough water.  When they keep trying for a long period of time they get a few air bubbles to pop up (thus the same amount of water back) but I think this might be too much work for them, and so I got a small bowl and filled it with water, I noticed that Mufasa drank from this tenatiously, as if he was starving for water.

My questions are, is my bottle broken?  If so should I try to find a better one?  And, should I get two bottles, one for each?

Hey, Trevor.
Yeah, it sounds like the water bottle might be broken since it isn't working right.  I would suggest simply getting another new one.  I don't think its really necessary to get 2 water bottles, but you could do that if you wanted to.  It's common for them to fight over things, but they will share the water bottle eventually, so there's not much to worry about there.
Hope that answers your questions, and good luck with Dot and Mufasa.  If you have any more questions, I'll be glad to help you out.  Best wishes to all of you.