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21 11:12:36

hi. i have a question about black bear hampsters. iv heard they can be sweet or mean. large or small. iv had hampsters before (2 teddy bear ones) and they were fine. i was thinking about getting a new one and was looking at the black bear ones but with all these different oppinions about them it doesnt really help me much? wat do u say?

Hi Paige

In terms of Syrian hamsters I can't honestly say I've ever found any differences in personalities because of their colour/variety.  I have always found Syrians to be (potentially) the friendliest and easiest to tame as opposed to some of the dwarf varieties.  The key thing really is to find one that has been handled from a young age and ideally one who has a fairly laid back mum.  Her personality will rub off on any offspring.

The black bear/teddy bears can be quite large and it is therefore important that they have a large enough cage.  I don't particularly like the tubular ones and much prefer the wire cages.  As they will get to a good size it is important any cage is large enough to house a big wheel - the standard wheels that come in a lot of cages are far too small for an adult Syrian, especially a 'bear' variety.  It is important that they have a wheel large enough for them as they do need exercise otherwise they won't use it and this can invite all sorts of medical problems.

Hope you find one you like.
