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Hamsters Foot

21 13:29:27

Our Hamster got loose, but she returned to her cage in the morning.  But, she is not acting quite the same.  Very slow, very sluggish, we also noted that one of her back feet are missing, completely gone.  There is just a nub now.  What could have happened?  Do I need to worry about this, there is no sign of blood or a cut or anything, it is just gone.

Hi Julie,

When a hamster is loose in the house, there are a number of things that can happen.  Your hamster may have gotten her foot caught in something and was unable to remove it.  There most likely was blood, but your hamster has licked it off.  (Or, the foot could have lost all circulation, and it simply fell off.)  In any case, with the foot gone, and your hamster's odd behavior, you need to take her to the vet.  There are a number of things that could have happened, and your vet can determine what is the best course of action.  In the meantime, apply an anti-bacterial cream to your hamster's leg, where the foot is missing, to avoid an infection.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
