Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > CAN GERBILS SWIM?


21 11:59:51

while cleaning out my gerbils cage iv noticed that it will easily fill up with water, I thought i would let them swim, but i didnt want them to be injured or emotionallly scared, i have heard that hamsters enjoy swimming, but can gerbils and do they enjoy it, thank you for tking time to answer this question :D

Hello Rooster,

From a past experience i know that they can swim, but i don't think they particualary enjoy it, and it is more for them trying to save themselves, rather than through enjoyment.
Their natural habitat doesn't have water really (desert) and so it is not something they would normally do. Also, they can't swim for too long!!

I hope this helps you,
Just ask if you need to know anything else,