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Syrian Breeding Question

21 13:25:15

Thanks so much!
will i give her a hard boiled egg and carrots every day?


Followup To

Question -
Hi Kelly,

We just adopted Cheyenne, an adorable female syrian hamster.  We would like to breed her and our other Syrian, Phoenix.  But the problem is she is only a month and he is 2 or 3 months.  By the time she's ready will he be to old?

Thanks for any help you can give us!
Kate, Phoenix, and Cheyenne

Answer -
Hi Kate,

No Phoenix will not be too old. Males usually remain fertile for most of their life. The ideal age to breed a female hamster for the first time is 4 months. Any younger than this can stunt her growth, result in a poor litter and may lead to cannibalism of the litter. When Cheyenne is old enough and you decide to breed her and know that she is expecting, make sure to feed her hard boiled egg and diced carrots. This will give her the extra protein she needs to raise her babies. Continue with the hard boiled egg and diced carrots until you have to seperate the babies from the mother. Which is at 3 weeks of age.
If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for your question and best of luck!

Hi Kate,

Yes everyday. Just small amounts (4-5 pieces of each). Also with the eggs, watch to see if she eats it all. Sometimes they will take it back to their nest. If she does take it back to her nest and it is still there in the morning then remove it from the cage since eggs can spoil quickly.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for writing back!