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Not sure whats wrong with dwarf hamspter

21 13:27:48

My 7mo old hampster stay wet from under her mouth to her stomach. She hasn't ran on her wheel for several days, but is avtive when motivated.  She doesnt't appear to want to use her front legs, they look bare (no fur)and she'll walk around on her back legs. She eats and drinks fine.  I think it might be a vitamin issue.  What are some other foods she can be fed to improve if it is a vitamin issue?

Hi Trey,

There's only a small chance that it is a vitamin issue.  With normal hamster mix, a hamster will obtain all of the vitamins he needs, and he shouldn't have any deficiencies.  If the hamster is picky, however, and only eats a few things out of his mix, you can go to the pet store and pick up liquid vitamins made for hamsters.  With liquid vitamins, all you have to do is squirt a couple drops into the hamster's water.  (The vitamin container will have more precise directions, of course.)  

However, since your hamster sounds very sick, I would strongly advise you to take your hamster to the vet first, who can provide a thorough diagnosis and treatment.  (Like I said, there's only a small chance it's a vitamin issue, so that's why you should take your hamster to the vet first.)  When hamsters get sick, they can deteriorate quickly, so you need to get your hamster to a vet as soon as possible.  I hope everything turns out all right.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
