Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Last question

Last question

21 13:30:13

ok this is my last question until the babies are born.  I put my hasmters together (to mate) yesterday 11/30 and they mated twice.  today 12/1 i put them together and all they did was fight. and my male got a scratch on his foot (nothing to worry about right?) is she already pregnant or just not in heat or just moody or what? and i gave my hamsters tissues is that ok?
thank you for your time!!!

Hi Eileen,

Since female hamsters come into heat every 4 days, your hamster was probably in heat on 11/30 when they mated.  She is only in heat for one day, so when you put them together today, she had no interest in mating.  If you want to try again, wait until Dec. 4.  As for the scratch on your male's foot - as long as there is no blood (or just a very small amount of blood), he'll be fine.  

It's fine to give your hamsters tissues for bedding, as long as the tissues have no color on them.  Undyed tissues make nice soft bedding for hamsters.

And don't worry about asking more questions.  If you have any questions, anytime, please feel free to ask.  
