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Baby hamsters

21 11:03:35

I have baby hamsters that are about 8 to 10 weeks and I have adult hamsters. They aren't together right now but when can I if not now put the babies together with the adults. Also one of the babies hoods their head in an odd way and runs in circles is there something wrong with it.

Hi Christina

Thanks for your question.

What type of hamsters are these?

If they are Syrian then they must live in single cages as they are solitary creatures. If they are dwarf hamsters it is very difficult if not impossible to introduce them to other hamsters. The only way groups of hamsters can live together are if they are related and have never been separated otherwise they will fight. Also if you keep these babies in groups ideally they should be in single sex groups otherwise you'll end up with loads of hamsters.

Regarding the poorly hamster - they might have been squashed in the womb or injured after birth that caused some neurological damage. Ear infections can also cause this behaviour.  I think this little one needs to see a vet to see if they can shed some light on this - if there is brain damage then it might be kindest to euthanase but your vet will be able to advise you of your options.

I hope this helps you.
