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Nutritional yeast

21 11:14:34

Hello, I have been reading some articles about nutrition for hamsters. I noticed that on one of the sites I visited it says that Nutritional yeast(not bakers yeast) from health food stores are rich with vitamin B and when fed a pinch once a week, it can be a good way to prevent diseases and make for a healthy hamster. Is this true? Is it a good idea? Here is the site I found it from:

Thank You.

Hi Michelle

I've never given my hamsters yeast, but it is very important hamsters get a well balanced diet.  Vitamin B is essential for energy production, healthy fur, eyes and skin.  It also helps to balance blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels. Vitamin B is also good for stress and can help calm a nervous or stressed hamster (thereby preventing wet tail).  It is therefore important that your hamster gets vitamin B in its diet.  It naturally occurs in foods such as broccoli,cabbage, carrots, parsley, peas, spinach, sunflower seeds and watercress.  I would think that giving a pinch of yeast wont do any harm at all, and may well be a good idea to ensure that your hamster is getting enough Vitamin B.

I hope this helps you.
