Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamster keeps having nose bleeds

my hamster keeps having nose bleeds

21 13:26:44

I have another question its.My hamster keeps biting the cage? I dont know wot to do. PLEASE HELP!if67b


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Thanks anyway. you have really helped me. From what you seaid to me about the bedding i suddenly changed the bedding. Thank you. If i have any problems ill definatly come to you

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Im not sure. I think its like the tissue paper. But the person who had it before. That person didnt have no problems.What should i do next though?

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my hamster i think is 1 coming onto the age of 2.She keeps haveing these small nosebleeds which look very painful.I really dont know what to do. I really need you help.her name is echo.

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Hi Stephanie,

What type of bedding are you using?

Answer -
Hi Stephanie,

Hamsters are prone to tumors which can cause them to have nose bleeds. Specially in older hamsters. There really isn't nothing that can be done for her. Just love and care for her. A hamsters life span is usually 18 months to 2 years.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question!

Answer -
Hi Stephanie,

Your quite welcome! If you have anymore questions please write again.

Hi Stephanie,

Hamsters like to bite their cage. There is nothing to worry about. Make sure you have wooden chew stick in their cage for them to chew on. This will help keep their teeth short and healthy and may stop your hamster from chewing on it's cage. Also have a wheel for them to play in(if you don't already).
Hamster balls are fun for them too.

Thank you for your question!