Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I need an answer quick

I need an answer quick

21 11:53:24

I have a dwarf hamster I have had him for 1 year. I was cleaning out his cage when I noticed a dime sized pile of urine. But what concerns me is the urine is in hard balls and it almost looks like fish eggs!!!! What could it be? Do hamsters get kidney stones?
TX, Andrea

The urine may have just crystallized.  Hamster urine is very thick and has a high pH so it will often get...crunchy for lack of a better term.  However, they can get kidney stones but their shouldn't be that many and you would likely notice him moving funny from the pain.  It may be best to check with a vet if you see him acting as if he's hurting.

Let me know if I can be of any more help,