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Handling my Gerbil

21 11:34:14

Hello Sheila!
Ive owned my gerbil (Rambo) now for nearly a month, he's 16 weeks old and very friendly. Rambo is not the problem I am! I was bitten by a hamster a few years ago and cannot bring mysef to hold another small creature! I have sat by his cage and spoken to him, I have put my hand in to let him smell me but i just cant keep it there! he is so friendly that he always comes up to say hello and never runs away. I popped my hand in the other day and he jumped on it, I just freaked out! I have a need to hold him and bond with him and think about it all the time but when I go to do it I just chicken out!!!! I keep saying to myself 'whats the big deal so what if he bites you, its only a little bite'!
Do you have any advice on taming me towards my gerbil???? I really want to hold him and let him run around my shoulders!!
Thank you

Hi Donna

Sorry to hear you are are having problems handling your gerbil.  I totally understand what you're going through - my first encounter with a hamster left it hanging from my hand - not a nice experience.  

It would be a shame if you can't handle your gerbil.  Gerbils are generally more difficult to handle anyway because they are so fast - but in my experience they are much less likely to bite than hamsters.  Somehow you need to build your confidence.  One thing I always suggest if a child is afraid of handling a hamster is for them to sit fully clothed in an empty bath - this way they can handle their pet and there is no worry it is going to escape if they get scared.  This generally works well and the child builds their confidence.  Obviously, I don't know how old you are or even if you have a bath tub!  

Have you got an area of your home where there is no furniture - like a hall way - or can you block off a small area - make sure you block under any doors and any small cracks so that Rambo can't escape.  Then you could try handling him there.  Rub some of his bedding onto your hands so that his scent is on you and he'll recognize you.  Talk to him the whole time so he gets to know your voice.  Sit on the floor with him, let him walk over you and gently scoop him up.  If you have his cage on the floor next to you, then it will be easy to put him back in there is there is a problem. Sitting on the floor with him is the best way to begin, this way if you get scared, you're not going to drop him.  If he gets away from you and you are worried about picking him up, put your arms on the floor to surround him and gently draw them closer to you, rather than grab at him which might scare him.  Of course gerbils are quite fast and can hop around a bit, but this may well work.  Another suggestion is to find someone who is confident handling gerbils.  Get them to hold him for you, then you can stroke him and touch him but they will still be in control.  You can build your confidence a little at a time.

I hope this helps you.  Good luck with this.
