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Crusty stuff on hamsters ears

21 11:59:57

Ok, my hamster has this crusty stuff on his ears and on some baldish spots on his nose.  He also is getting some bald spots from where he is scratching I guess.  I think it is mites but i want to make sure, and will the bald spots grow back.  My hamster is a dwarf, a blue/grayish colour.  I just wanna know if that crusty stuff will go away if the mites die?

Hi Alex,

To rid your hamster of mites, buy anti-mite spray for small animals at the pet store.  Cover your hamster's head, and spray his body.  Then, clean out the cage and spray it with the anti-mite spray as well.

If your hamster is still scratching a lot a few days after you've treated him with anti-mite spray, he may have a skin allergy/infection.  If you use Pine or Cedar bedding, you should stop using it immediately.  Not only do these beddings cause skin allergies and infections, they can also cause respiratory infections.  Instead, use Aspen or Carefresh bedding, which won't cause skin allergies.

If the problem is properly treated, your hamster's fur should grow back and he shouldn't have crust on his skin.

If you have any other questions, please free to ask :)
