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about treats

21 13:29:15

what kind of treats can i feed my hamster? ive heard about dandelions but do you give them the flower and everything?

Dear Cortney,
thank you for your question.
Dandelion flowers and leaves can be fed as treats and as part of the normal diet, as well as daisies, pansies, nasturtium and roses. All flowers must be untreated of course.
If you have a a Syrian hamster, raisins make good treats, but dwarfs shouldn't get them since they are prone to diabetes. Pumpkin seeds are fatty, but make good treats when given only two or three times a weeks.
Mealworms, waxworms or dead crickets and locusts 8to avoid crickets in your house;) ) are good treats and supply the hamster with the animal protein it needs.
It's easy to bake hamster cookies. Just mix hamster food with shreeded vegetables or fruit, oat meal (if you have), water and flour. Bake  the cookies for 15-30 minutes, depending on their shape - they are done when they are hard on both sides. You can store them in cookie jars or freeze them.
I hope I was of some help to you