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gerbils again

21 13:29:19

hi kelly i am asking you this question because your answers have been extremely helpful before. What does it mean when my gerbils make a high pitched squeking? It only seems to happen when they are both trying to go to sleep in the same place.

Hi Sarah,

Those squeaking noises are perfectly normal.  When your gerbils are trying to go to sleep in the same place, the squeaking noises are kind of like arguing voices.  The gerbils are just "sorting out" who will sleep where.  Also, there will always be a dominant gerbil who will try to force the other gerbil to lie down so that he can clean him (which often takes place before bedtime).  The gerbils will often squeak during this process.  Trust me, it's nothing to worry about :)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
