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white winter dwarf hamster

21 13:29:18

I am a first time hamster owner and have tried to read extensivly before buying a hamster and have read from numerous sources that when taming a new hamster you should handle them for about 10 min twice a day and let them get used to your smell.  The first two days I had her, she came right to me and seemed to be already used to human contact so I figured that she had had a previous owner or something.
However, it has been a week now and all of a sudden she seems like she is terrified of me. She runs away whenever I open the cage and pees on me when I hold her.
But get this, she was afraid of my husband. Now she loves him. She will just sit on his lap and preen and doesn't try to run away. Is there any chance my hamster is vying for my husbands' attention and therefore doesn't like me? I feel like I am competing against a 3-inch hamster. Help!

Dear Leah,
thank you for your question.
It might be that your hamster just likes your husband better, they sometimes have preferences and there's not much you can do about it then.
Try offering her treats and any food should come from you and not from your husband. Offer her an old t-shirt you slept in as a toy (as a hammock, for example). If you use a soap or cream your husband doesn't use, changing it might help.
I hope I was of some help to you