Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > scented bedding

scented bedding

21 11:30:04

QUESTION: hi Heather!
i bought a bag of bedding and it is scented (Green Apple), is it safe for my hamster? I used it as her bedding for this week, she seems okay.


ANSWER: Nope, any bedding other then recycled paper or aspen wood shavings are not entirely safe for small animals, especially hamsters. Other wood based litters have oils in them that cause irritation and lung problems in the long run. Scented bedding just adds to future lung irritation in the hamster. I would stick with Aspen wood bedding or recycled paper product bedding.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again.
there's no other available bedding in our place except for that.. can i just let it out under the sun until it looses its scent?

No scent is better then scented, but I'm still willing to bet the litter is physically green (I saw green colored bedding ages ago), if it's colored then that's 2 strikes against it. If it isn't colored it could still be a type of wood that is bad for hamsters. You may use the rest of the bag if you must, but please run down to any pet store and get a bag of aspen bedding for next time.