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breeding and pregnancy

21 12:01:54



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my hamster is 5 months  old and on the 20th of august we decided to breed my syrian hamster with my sisters syrian and i think she could be pregnant she dosent seem to have come into season because i have been checking so she is due on tuesday the 6th of september. Is there anything special i need to do i. I have cleaned her out and have given her egg yolk(hard one) and she ate that i have been offering her milk but she just stuck her nose upi need info asap thankyou x

Answer -
Hi Cassey,

Sounds like you have a good start going. You need to continue feeding her the hard boiled egg. Also give her diced apples (no skin) and carrots (about 4-5 pieces of each). This will give her the extra protien she needs to raise her babies. You should keep up with this until the babies are seperated from thier mom which is at 3 weeks of age. Put some white cotton balls in her cage. She will use them for making her nest and it will help to keep the babies warm when mom is out of the nest. Remove her wheel and any other toys she may have. Give her extra hamster food. Remember that after the babies are born do not for any reason touch the babies or the nest until they are 2 weeks old. This is when it is safe to clean the cage and the babies should only be touched for a short period of time.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question and best of luck!

follow up what are the signs of pregnancy and her teets dont seem to be anyy different

Answer -
Hi Cassey,

The signs of pregnancy are, after mating she does not come back into season. She will hoard food a lot more than usual, start building a better nest and at about the 10th day from mating she will really poof out around her middle area. If she has not done this by now she may not be pregnant. If she isn't and you want to try again, this should be done before your hamster is 6 months old if this is going to be her first litter because at 6 months of age a female hamsters hips start to set. This means that if they get pregnant with their first litter after their hips have set they could have a more difficult delivery and could cause death to the babies or mother or both.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question and best of luck!
so my hamster may die she feels really fat  

Hi Cassey,

No I don't believe your hamster may die. She is at a safe age for having her first litter. I was just saying that if a hamster has her first litter of babies after she is 6 months old the delivery is more difficult on the mother and may cause complications. If your hamster is pregnant, she should be having them soon. She was mated on the 20th of August so she should have them today or tomorrow. Saturday at the latest. Most hamster give birth at night. If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question! Best of luck!