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my pregnanat dwarf hamster

21 12:01:54

what ddo i feed the babies?i dont know when it got pregnant what are signs of the babies coming?whats a bed fluff?i have to female and one is named chubbs (the pregnant one)and the other female star.  

Hi Daniel,

To find out when the babies are coming, try to remember what day she mated.  Then, count ahead about 18-21 days, and that's about when the babies will be due.  A couple of days before she is due to give birth, clean the cage and fill it with plenty of Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  (Avoid Pine or Cedar, which are dangerous.)  Also, remove the wheel from the cage.  (Bed Fluff is a product by S.A.M. that is sold as hamster beddings, but it's very dangerous - it can choke hamsters, or get stuck in their cheek pouches.)

When the babies are born, *do not* touch them for 2 weeks.  If you touch the babies, the mother will not feed them, and she may even eat them.  Also, don't disturb the nest, or take the mother away from her babies for longer than a couple of minutes.  When the babies are 2 weeks old, then you can handle them for short periods of time.  You can also go ahead and clean the cage.  When the babies are 3 weeks old, they are weaned ready to be placed in 2 different cages - one for the girls, and one for the boys.  After anothe 2-3 weeks, then they can go to new homes.  Just remember to keep them in same-sex pairs, as dwarf hamsters need companionship.

Here's a website which will further help you:

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
