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2 hamster

21 11:52:13

ok i have a hamster I've had her since Christmas and U can slide butter between us but i want another 1 because of their short lifespan i will have back up for when u know i just love small animals, but anyway wat about putting them together is the ok and im talking different kinds  

hi baby,

Unfortunately you can't put 2 hamsters of different breeds together they will fight each other to the death! even hamsters of the same breed sometimes can't live together. and if they do its usually because they've been together from birth. the fact that your hamster has been alone for a while, chances are he won't like having a roommate at all. i think the best thing you can do here is just buy 2 new hamsters that are already together from another pet store, you will need a new cage of course. you should leave the one you have on its own, otherwise it will get hurt.

best of luck and do let me know what happens. thank you for your question and ask again if you need too.

joanne xxx