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Hamster walking weird

21 11:13:53

Hi Mr. Devin,
Lately my hamster ,squirt, has been walking a little weird and not eating much (as much as I have seen). He escaped yesterday and he also had gotten into a fight w/ his sibling. He seems to maybe have a hurt limb or cramping area somewhere. He is usually very active but now he just sleeps anywhere when he'd usually run around. If he may have a broken bone or fracture please tell me what would be the best way to cure his weird behavior. Thank-you! -Alyssa

Considering his behavior, he might be ill. But considering the fight, he could also be injured, which would cause his behavior. Pick him up, gently grab the skin at the scruff of his neck, turn him over and look at his legs. You should look for a wound, missing fur, blood, skin condition, or other abnormality. If there is an unhealed wound, put some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and gently dab the wound to clean any bacteria. Take a better look and get back to me or see a veterinarian.

P.S.-I'm not Mr., I'm Ms.