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dwarf hamster abscess?

21 11:10:38

I though my hamster had an abscess when i noticed a large lump on his tummy area with puss in it.  There was nothing covering the puss area so i cleaned him up and found a whole!  It doesn't seem to bother him and he didn't squirm really when i cleaned but I'm still concerned and really cannot afford a vet bill.  Any suggestions or thoughts are much appreciated!  Thanx

Hi Kristy

Sorry to hear about your hamster.

Dwarf hamsters have scent glands on their stomach and sometimes these can clog up or infect.  When they are normal, the scent gland can secrete a waxy yellow liquid.  They use this to mark their territory and can often be seen rubbing their belly on objects.  Sometimes they can secrete more than normal.  However, this gland can get blocked up and secrete pus in which case it needs to be checked by a vet as they may well need to prescribe antibiotics.

Also, this area is prone to tumors and as there is sign of swelling it could indicate this.

I appreciate that vets can be expensive but it would be worth contacting one or two in the area and finding out how much they would charge to see a dwarf hamster.  Also check if they have anyone in their practice who specialises in small animals and in particular hamsters so at least if you consult them they will know what is wrong.  Most vets have a standard fee, but I have found some to be quite accommodating with regard to prices when it comes to tiny creatures.  Alternatively, do you have a pet rescue near you?  If there is one who takes in small animals it would be worth contacting them.  Whilst they may not be veterinary qualified, they would have seen a lot of animals and often their knowledge is better.  They would at least be able to advise you as it is impossible guessing what this could be without actually seeing him.  They may be happy to advise you for a donation.  Otherwise, there are some pet shops who are very knowledgeable - if you find one that sells hamsters, perhaps it would be worth seeing if they would have a look at your hamster - but in an ideal situation I personally would take a hamster to the vet just to be on the safeside.  But if you are wondering if what you have seen is normal or a problem, then perhaps it is worth trying to find someone near you who knows about hamsters and could have a look at him to confirm if he needs a vet appointment.

I hope you get on OK with this.
