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dwarf hamster ear lump

21 13:29:42

Hi Kelly.  Thankyou for taking the time to read my question.  I have a 10 mth old dwarf hamster that appears to be very healthy (eating, drinking, lots of energy) except for a growth in his ear.  It seemed to develop over night and it pink in color and bumpy like a cauliflower.  It sticks out from the center of his ear and takes up almost the entire ear hole.  It is not attached to any of the surronding tissue, and it does not seem to bother him too much, except he rubs it against his food dish so it may be itchy.  Do you have any idea what this could be?  Help!!  

Hi Julia,

There are a couple of things the lump could be.  Since it's in the ear, it might be an absess, which forms when a bite or scratch wound becomes infected, resulting in a lump.  If a bite or scratch can be seen on the lump then it is almost certainly an abscess.  An abscess will require the pus to be drained and a course of antibiotics may be needed to treat the infection, and so veterinary treatment must be sought.

There is also a possibility that the lump could be a tumor, which occurs more often in older female hamsters.  If it is a tumor, since it is external, it could most likely be operated on.  (Many tumors have been successfully removed from hamsters.)  My best advice would be for you to take your hamster to your vet, for a complete diagnosis and possible treatment.  Good luck.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
