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is my hamster lonely

21 11:55:50

i got a teddy bear hamster 2 days ago and it doesn't look happy i thought it might be lonely because it came from a cage with 6 other hamsters. some animals do get lonely so i was wondering if a mirror or another hamster would make it happy

Syrian Hamsters are not sociable at all so I strongly recommend you don't buy another hamster; it will end in death. A mirror is a good theory but it would probably stress the hamster. Wait a few days for him to settle, then you can start hand training him. Beware: Teddy Bear Hamsters are a lot more difficult to train than ordinary Syrians, so you will need a lot of patience while training him.
Speak softly to him and stroke him, before trying to handle him. He needs to know you mean him no harm.
Good luck,