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Calming Spurts ?

21 13:31:48

I just recently got two teddy bear hampsters... one male and one female. I have the male and my roommate has the female. Now my male is acting a bit weird lately. Now I have had hamsters since I was a kid...but I have never run across a hamster acting in this manner. For example: When I am playing with him he will be very energetic and playful and want to roam around and act like a regular hamster should...but then he will get spurts to where he sits very still near me and just looks like he isnt concentrating on when he is in this state I can pet him almost as if you could a dog,he doesnt move he just acts very content. I dont understand this...all the other characteristics are fine but this one kinda makes me uneasy..can you tell me maybe what this means...Does my hampster just feel very comfortable around me or is he getting a sickness of some kind. Also he does fight alot with the female at times and I am thinking of getting a separate cage....would this be neccessary or is he just playing around with her. Oh and one more question..sorry...My hampster was sneezing before when he was housed in the main room of my apartment and I have brought him into my room now where it is warmer..and I hear some sneezing sometimes as if alergic to something...its not as bad since in warmer environment I think but I'm still curious to why he sneezes at he getting a cold or is the bedding make him do this. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

 First off unless you plan on having lots of babies, seperate the two. Hamsters do not belong in pairs. She is most likely already pregnant and the father will eat the young if he isn't removed. I'm not really sure what these calm spurts mean but he sounds like a normal healthy hamster to me. He may just be getting frightened and standing very still to scout for danger. Sneezing could be caused by the bedding. i would consider changing it to a hypo allergenic brand like yesterday's news or carefresh that has little dust residue as wood can. Good luck!
