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Died out of nowhere

21 11:35:58


I got a Russian Campbell hamster around Christmas time last year. He was pretty young when I got him. I've always kept him in his own cage and changed it once a week. The onl problem I had was with his nails which a pet shop owner advised me on how to settle.

My problem is that on Saturday just gone he died. He was perfectly healthy swinging out of the cage bars the night before and enjoyin' his treats. He was always our healthiest hamster.

Would you be able to tell me a possible cause of his death as he wasn't even eight months old.

I feel as though he might have felt neglected and lonely as I was in hospital the last few weeks and just brought a new baby home and haven't been paying him much attention.

Hi Angelina,

i am really sorry to hear about your hamster.

I have had this happen to me a few times - a seemingly perfect hamster just dies for no reason - i think sometimes hamsters just dont live very long.

What kind of bedding were you using?  Please do not use the 'Fluffy' kind of bedding as this is very dangerous and can not be digested if the hamster happens to eat it so the hamster will die.

Sorry i cant be much help.
