Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster is lost please help

hamster is lost please help

21 11:50:15

Ok, my hamster is lost and he is really fat and laszzy, but i have an new puppie and 2 cats and hes gotten out before but i cant find him this time.... how do you find your hamster when it gets out?

Hi Sam,

    First, it is best to look in the room where you have your hamsters cage, by looking under everything and in ever corner. Watch for hamster droppings. Put a small amount of food in a dish and place it on the floor (might even try some apple bits or carrots) in the room where your hamsters cage is.
    After you have checked the room where his cage is, start checking the other rooms.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!