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white spot above nose

21 13:30:26


I have a syrian hamster and i recently noticed a white spot above her nose that wasn't there before.  I can't tell if its a bare spot or if the hair just changed color.  She is naturally gray and white.  Have you heard of this before?  Should I worry?  Also, I just bought four smaller cages (The crittertrail series - the three, two, one stories and X style) and connected them with tubes so she can move freely between them.  Is this alright for her?


Dear Tiffany,
thank you for your question.
It might be a sign of old age, sometimes even hamsters turn grey around their snout. But it might be a sign of a fungal infection, too, especially if it's really a bare spot. Watch the spot closely in case it grows, if it does that, I suggest you see a vet with her.
The Crittertrails series has way too much plastic that can be chewed and swallowed. Another problem is that hamster need uninterrupted floorspace, so connected cages are not an ideal solution. But if you can out all the plastic that can be removed and replace it with non-resinous wood painted with acryllic paint (for the second stories) and cardboard (for playing and chewing) your hamster will be fine. The acryllic paint is needed because it makes the wood water proof and should be salviaproof (should be stated on the tin, there's special acryllic paint that can be used for children's toys ect.).
I hope I was of some help to you